заказан нашим sils технологии это что такое простыми словами

The site of the Media Sphera Publishers contains materials intended solely for healthcare professionals. By closing this message, you confirm that you are a certified medical professional or a student of a medical educational institution. Irkutskaia gosudarstvennaia meditsinskaia akademiia poslediplomnogo obrazovaniia. Kozlov , V. Novozhilov , K. Kovalkov , D. Chubko , P. Baradieva , P. Krasnov , A. Journal: Endoscopic Surgery. DOI: Single-port endoscopic surgery in newborns and infants. Endoscopic Surgery. In Russ. An email was sent to test gmail. Follow the link from the letter to complete the registration on the site. You can become an author of one of our magazines, send a request and we will consider it in during the day. We use cооkies to improve the performance of the site. By staying on our site, you agree to the terms of use of cооkies. To view our Privacy and Cookie Policy, please. All journals. Очистить поле. Search result: 0. Regional pediatric clinical hospital, Krasnoyarsk. Views: Downloaded: Contact the author. Table of contents. To cite this article:. Russian Bulletin of Obstetrician-Gynecologist. Part 1. Frenotomy in newborns. Russian Journal of Anesthesiology and Reanimatology. Zurnal im. Predictors of the need for correction of therapy during neonatal transport. Wheeless CR. A rapid, inexpensive and effective method of surgical sterilization by laparoscopy. J Reprod Med. Laparoscopic appendectomy using a single umbilical puncture minilaparoscopy. Esposito C. One-trocar appendectomy in pediatric surgery. Surg Endosc. Scarless single port transumbilical nephrectomy and pyeloplasty: first clinical report. BJU Int. Single-port laparoscopic surgery: initial experience in children for varicocelectomy. Single port access SPA surgery - a month experience. J Gastrointest Surg. Total intracorporeal anastomosis during single-port laparoscopic right hemicolectomy for carcinoma of colon: a new step forward. Surg Innov. Single-port-access nephrectomy and other laparoscopic urologic procedures using a novel laparoscopic port R-port. Transumbilical endoscopic surgery: a preliminary clinical report. J Urol. Single-incision laparoscopic pyloromyotomy: initial experience. The Cross-technique for single-incision pediatric endosurgical pyloro- myotomy. Single site laparoscopic gastrostomy with a 4-mm bronchoscopic optical grasper. J Pediatr Surg. Laparoscopic percutaneous extraperitoneal closure for inguinal hernia in children: clinical outcome of repairs done in 3 pediatric surgical institutions. One trocar assisted pyeloplasty OTAP : initial experience and codification of a technique. Pediatr Med Chir. Am Surg. Laparoendoscopic single-site nephrectomy using a homemade single-port device for single-system ectopic ureter in a child: initial case report. J Endourol. The first report of a single-port laparoscopic nephrectomy in a child. Hong Kong Med J. Dutta S. казино без верификации

Sils технологии это что такое простыми словами - верстка блога

